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Trauma and Resilience: An Introduction for Community-based Organization and Direct Service Workers

Online Course Trauma and Resilience: An Introduction for Community-based Organization and Direct Service Workers - 866 Seats Left
11/1/2021 - 12/31/2025
Class Size:
1000 seats
Course Description:
Welcome to the eight-part course: Trauma-Informed Care Training for Providers and Direct Service Workers developed for No Wrong Door Virginia by Virginia Commonwealth University's Department of Gerontology. This self-guided course offers an introduction to trauma, resilience, and trauma-informed care with an emphasis on older adults and long-term services and supports (LTSS). Here, trauma and resilience are framed as influences that are lifelong, historical, malleable, and multi-dimensional in nature. This course is not intended to provide clinical training in specific therapies or modalities but examines: trauma, resilience, and trauma-informed care at the individual and family, community, and policy levels. The course consists of 8 independent modules with pre-recorded material. Each module also included numerous self-guided activities such as readings, activities, and multi-media resources. The entire course is expected to take about 16 hours.



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